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Malo e lelei

My name is Kalina Muli.  My family and I moved here to Shepparton, Victoria, Australia from New Zealand.  Most of my immediate family and relatives are in New Zealand.  Starting the new life here was all exciting but there are things that I felt the need to have my immediate family close to me.  One of those things is to have my Tongan koloa for my fatongia.


Growing up in Tonga in the villiage of Tokomololo and seeing both my grandmothers, Fahiva Maue (my dad's mum) and Mele Havea (aka Mama'o, my mum's mum) worked tirelessly together to make  Ngatus and Tongan koloa for their families' fatongia.  Whether it's fatongia for the family, church or fonua, they made sure that they always have some koloa. In saying that, I too come to realise why my two grandmothers toiled so hard to be prepared for their fatongia. One will not feel a fatongia is a job well done until Tonga Koloa is part of that fatongia. I am very proud  to take on these fatongia and I am still  trying to fill the big shoes that both my grandmothers have left me.


All proud Tongans at heart want to also be prepared to complete their fatongia to the best of their abilities. Completing these fatongia will also need some Tonga Koloa.  I am here to help you to complete your fatongia by stocking some of the Tonga Koloa for your need.  Hoku Tonga is striving to look after you to get your koloa in a safe, secure, fast and reliable way.






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